Testimonials - Sit Means Sit Dog Training Syracuse

Michele W.

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I wanted my Pugs to be able to walk loose leash, stay in distracting situations, and come to me when called. We had tried various other training methods and were especially concerned with our dog who would chase cars. With SMS, those goals were mastered with in a couple months. The Pugs have since passed the intermediate level and are working on advanced skills. SMS has changed our lives and deepened the bond with our dogs. I see dogs of all ages and breeds in group class, doing what their owners thought wasn’t possible for their dog. Your dog can do it and SMS is there to show you how.

Bridget H.

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I was at the end of my rope with our dog Rufus. I told my husband to get rid of him of course he said no let’s try some training. I agreed to try training however it was against my better judgement. Rufus would eat our furniture he put holds in not one but two couches, eat the kids toys, and wait until we went back inside and then he would go to the bathroom. So we have done about 3 training sessions with Rufus and I am in total awe at how completely different he is. Rufus is so much calmer now and he listens. What a concept I give him a command and he does it. Dave and his staff are absolutely amazing at what they do. We still have some things to work on with Rufus but he has made leaps and bounds thus far and I can’t believe that I was thinking about getting rid of him. Even if you have minor things that you need to address I would definitely recommend sit means sit.

Lisa K.

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We had so many people tell us that “you’ll never be able to have a Boxer off leash”, I’m thrilled to say they are very wrong! Zoey is having a blast at the beach being off leash, you can tell she knows it’s a privilege, and is behaving so well. I just had to share!

Grace M.

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Absolutely amazing worth every penny! We have two large high energy dogs Benny & Nela who love to jump, pull on leash, Harass house guests and love to get in trouble! Just finished our second day and our dogs are angels. I have seen such confidence in them and they enjoy going to “school”! If you have any concerns with your dog it’s the place to go. We can finally go on walks as a family � thank you to the amazing staff at Sit Means Sit!